ISO a DeltaPoint Pro optic, can be damaged, broken, etc...lets talk trade
RMS-to-RMR Adapter (Red Dot Adapter Plate)

RMS-to-RMR Adapter (Red Dot Adapter Plate)

SAS Tactical Customs

Regular price $100.00 Sale

Fits slides cut for the Shield RMSc (Holosun-K) footprint. This includes many 1911 and 2011 pistols including Tisas, SAR9, LFA Apollo, Alpha Fox, etc.

Measure you slide cutout depth and select the version with the appropriate depth. Versions available to accommodate slide cutouts depths of 0.180", 0.200", 0.225", and 0.245".

Select the appropriate adapter mounting screw option based on your slide. M4 screws are the OEM for RMS optics, but some slides are threaded for 6-32, M3, or even 4-40. Most slides use M4 screws, but some like SAR9 slides may use 6-32, Tisas slides are normally M3. Please verify or contact us for help. 

*Adapters may take up to 1-2 weeks to ship depending on on-hand inventory at the time. Adapters are always in production and available for order.

Fits these slide cutouts:

  • Shield RMS/RMSc
  • Holosun 407k/507k/EPS
  • JPoint
  • Sig RomeoZERO, RomeoZEROElite

Allows mounting of these optics:

  • Trijicon RMR 
  • Trijicon SRO
  • Holosun 407c/507c/508t/507Comp
  • Other "RMR" compatible optics

 *Adapters may take up to 1-2 weeks to produce and ship. 

*Cancellation/refund policy

*Although machined to tight tolerances, minor fitting may be required in rare instances. Feel free to contact us prior to attempting any modification to your slide or adapter plate.

*We are not responsible for loses in shipping, the courier is. Please consider shipping insurance available by clicking here.

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