Package Delay - January 10-14, 2025
Below is a list of updates regarding packages that were shipped on/around January 10 and have tracking results showing in transit since January 14 with no updates.
- All packages in question were shipped between January 8-10, 2025 from the Farmington, KY post office.
- Packages included multiple services including Ground Advantage and Priority Mail.
- All packages departed Farmington, KY post office on January 10.
- January 14 - Most packages show "In transit, but arriving late" or "Potentially delayed due to weather". No further tracking updates since.
- January 22 - THEY FOUND THEM!
- January 27 - Approximately 1/2 of the packages have been delivered.
(January 19) - It has come to our attention that USPS dropped the ball on 52, Yes, 52 packages shipped around Jan 10 and delayed on Jan 14 at the Evansville, Indiana postal hub. There was a winter storm at the time, but they have had plenty of time to get stuff moving and packages shipped afterwards have been delivered. Now MLK day will delay further, however, search/claim requests have been submitted. Hopefully they'll get their act together and remember to do their jobs, but calling yourselves and complaining may help stop this BS..........Remember, we have ZERO, NADA, No control over shipping after dropped off. We did our job right, DON'T blame use, we are pissed off about it too!
(January 21) - USPS tracking is showing search request initiated on several packages. I have spoken with local postal employees who admit knowing that there is a significant delay in the area and that many packages are showing similar tracking. It still appears to be an issue with the Evansville, IN postal hub location being backlogged with packages. At the moment I will continue to monitor the search request and will issue claim requests for all Priority Mail shipments within the next few hours. I remain hopeful that all packages will suddenly begin tracking again in the next few days. The search and claim requests are only meant to serve as a instrument to make the postal service get their butts in gear and do their job we paid them to do. Maybe Trump, Elon and D.O.G.E. need to be given a call about the US Postal Service and their inefficiencies. As customers you have as much power as I do to inflict pressure to get your packages delivered in a timely manner.
(January 22) - Its now about 3pm our time, and it appears that most, if not all of the delayed packages are now moving through the system and have arrived at the Louisville, KY distribution hub. This means most of you should start receiving your packages in the next day or two, but do keep in mind that there are still delays occurring around the country. We have snowmegadon in Florida, democrats are letting California burn to the ground, and I'm sure all the pissed off democrats are not working very efficiently this week since their feelings got hurt so bad and they are being forced back to work. Just bear with it all and if you still have not received your shipment by first of the week, then reach out to us so we can look into it more.
(January 27) - It appears that about 1/2 of the delayed packages have been delivered. Out of the remaining it looks like most are close to delivery and a few are still being delayed at major USPS hubs. All packages still appear to be tracking and not lost.
(January 31) - Hopefully resolved. If you are part of this group and have not received your package, let us know.
Thanks, scott